Swarovski & Silk

Beaded Collar

This is what reminded me that I hadn’t shown you the silk steampunk outfit – I finally found the time to make one of the accessories to go with it!

In our original sketches, we’d talked about a beaded silk collar and matching wrist cuffs. I haven’t made those yet (I’ve run out of gold eyelets!), but I did manage to make the collar.

The silk is an offcut from the original dress, lined with an offcut of the bodice lining which was heavily interfaced. The Swarovski crystal beads were all unpicked from the original dress, and then sewn onto the collar in two sessions in front of the telly – taking a total of seven and a half hours. That’s just the beading, not the original unpicking, or the sewing of the collar itself. I knew all that time I spent sewing on beads in the bridal shop would come in useful eventually!

I deliberately didn’t take the beads all the way up to the edge, partly to allow a little bit of the lovely fabric to show through, and partly so that there was nice soft silk against the skin.

Beaded Collar

When the collar catches the light, it really sparkles. These photos really don’t do it any kind of justice at all – you really need to see it move. The silk has a beautiful lustre of its own, and with the beads on top… wow. I know that sounds as though I’m blowing my own trumpet, but really, it’s the materials doing all the hard work!

Beaded Collar

And this is how it fastens – three eyelets on each side at the back, and a simple ribbon. Nice and long, so you can just skip it off over your head rather than having to re-lace it every time.

I’ve still got loads of beads left over, more than enough for the matching cuffs. I might ask to borrow the jacket, so I can use up the remaining beads on the sleeves.

I’m really tempted to make one of these for myself… although where I’d go wearing a sparkly crystal collar I’m not too sure! Maybe I’ll just wear it to work.

Nimby and Mer…

Photos © Fairysteps

Oopsie, I might have had a little PayPal accident over at Fairysteps. Ren was making some pretty things from the same leather as my lovely handbag, so it would have been rude not to buy the matching purse, surely? No sooner had I popped it into my shopping cart than there was a post on Facebook to say that some pink chokers were on their way, so as soon as they appeared on the website I had to grab one of those as well.

They arrived this afternoon, having been somewhat ruthlessly shoved through the letterbox by the postman while I was out. The purse is nice and big, so I’m just deciding whether I’m going to use it for money or whether it’ll be a comfy new home for my ipod. The choker is absolutely gorgeous, so soft and lovely to wear. (I think I’m allergic to the popper, but that can be easily fixed with a little dot of fabric on the inside.) It’s just the right size, and I love the way that the pointy bit can sit happily either in the centre or off to one side. I put it on straight away, and it’s already moulding to the shape of my neck. Just gorgeous.

I’m trying to save up for a pair of boots or shoes (somebody bought the pair I was coveting), but I’m not going to get very far with that if I keep buying all these pretty little accessories in the meantime! Maybe I’ll find a pair in my Christmas stocking… *fingers crossed*

Lace & Ribbon Choker

Lace & ribbon choker

I was going to write a tutorial for this, but I honestly can’t imagine how anybody could need one.

  1. Take a piece of lace that fits around your neck.
  2. Take a piece of ribbon three times as long as the lace, and narrow enough to fit through the holes.
  3. Thread ribbon through holes in lace.
  4. Add a pendant if you happen to have one lying around.
  5. Tie it around your neck.
