Vaguely Victorian: Part Two

Victorian-ish outfit

Here you go – for those who were wondering, this is what the vaguely Victorian outfit looked like at the end of a long day, in a lovely Victorian staircase hall.

Contrary to a few people’s concerns, I did not boil to death with so many layers of clothes on. The skirt was quite heavy, but the bustle was so comfortable I kept forgetting I was wearing it and trying to squeeze through spaces that were impossible to negotiate with such an enormous bottom!

At the end of the day I also learned that it is possible to run for the bus in a corset and bustle – although I wouldn’t recommend it! In fact it’s not the ideal outfit for bus travel generally. You can’t get upstairs, for a start, and I was a bit worried that the driver would ask me to buy two tickets for taking up so much room!

I must admit that, without the complicated underpinnings, I’d actually quite happily wear this outfit (or something very similar) to work on any old not-particularly-Victorian day.

0 thoughts on “Vaguely Victorian: Part Two”

  1. very cool 😀

    would some kind of headcovering be period-and-class appropriate to les-modern your hair, next time? (suggestion not criticism! – I’d kind of forgotten you weren’t bright pink any more when you said your hair wasn’t period before)

  2. Yes, definitely! I just didn’t have time.

    Hee, you’ve seen me at least twice since my hair’s gone back to “normal” – funny how the memory of the pink is persistent. I forget myself, sometimes. 🙂

  3. I’m coming around to the idea of period dress for work. However, I feel I have my own built in bustle, so the rest of the outfit should be a
    easy, no? 🙂

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