Repeating Patterns

Back in April 2009 I made a pair of trousers using Vogue pattern 8367. (Now out of print.)

In October 2009 I went looking for a jacket pattern, and came across one which included a pair of trousers that I liked. The pattern was Vogue 8604, which looked remarkably similar to Vogue 8367.

Today I went searching for a pattern for high-waisted trousers, which is something I do fairly often, and came across the one above – Vogue 8717.

Is it just me, or are all these trousers actually exactly the same pattern?

Perhaps I should take a hint – stop looking for new trouser patterns and just make another pair from the one I’ve already got!

Duplicated trousers?

I was browsing through the Vogue website today, looking for a jacket pattern. I rather like Vogue 8604 – I have a fondness for both cropped jackets and kimono sleeves. The trouser pattern is included, so I popped the pattern on my shopping list. (I only ever buy Vogue pattern when they’re on sale – they’re so expensive otherwise!)

Then I looked at the drawing, and realised that the trousers looked suspiciously similar to a pair I made earlier this year. They’re Vogue 8367, and the more I look at these illustrations the more certain I am that these are the same trousers!

I really like that little jacket… but I don’t really want to pay for a pattern for a pair of trousers that I’ve already made. Perhaps I’ll see whether I can find a similar looking jacket elsewhere.