First Birthday Dress

First Birthday Dress

It was my niece’s first birthday last week, so of course I wanted to make her a little party dress! I was very tempted to make something very floofy and over the top, but given that her primary means of locomotion is crawling at high speed, I decided it made more sense to sew something that she could move about in.

This is Butterick 3772, in the smallest size. The fabric is half a metre of Alexander Henry, which I bought because I fell in love with it a couple of years ago. I’m glad it’s finally made its way out of the stash and been put to a good use.

Milly's First Birthday Party

As you can see, the dress saw a lot of action at the party!

I have lots of little pieces of interesting and unusual fabric in the stash, so I can feel a few more of these simple little dresses coming on. I’ll wait until she’s a bit bigger before I go for the full-on floofy party dresses, I think.