Feather & Fan Scarflet

Feather & fan scarflet

I made the world’s smallest scarf. I like it very much.

I think I need to find or make a pretty pin/stick/thing to fasten it. Maybe something with beads that match the wool.

My current project is another feather & fan scarf – this time knitted on 8mm needles using Colinette Giotto. It’s coming out lovely and loose and relaxed, which is a pleasant contrast to the Kaffe Fassett Brocade jumper that makes my brain hurt even before I’ve picked up the needles!

Feather and Fan.

Feather & Fan sock yarn

I have no idea what this is going to be, I plan to just keep knitting it until it’s finished.

I was reading the third issue of The Knitter, and there was an article about hand knit scarves, with a recipe for feather and fan stitch. It looked pretty. I had some silk yarn left over from knitting socks. A plan came together.

I’ve been feeling inspired by lacy neck warmers lately, to fill in the gap left by the enormous neckline of my flamingo coat. But I’m not much good at knitting lace, so I figured a simple feather and fan stitch would be an excellent place to start.

I haven’t got all that much yarn (about 35 grams, I think) so this piece is going to be pretty short. I’m thinking I might make buttonholes when I get to the other end, to make a little polo neck without the jumper. Pretty!