Enchanted Palace


Yesterday I went to the Old Operating Theatre and Herb Garret, where I arrived just in time for a talk. I was glad of that, because the museum would have made a lot less sense without it. It’s mostly three hundred years of medical history (including bit of bodies in jars) without a great deal of explanation. There’s all sorts of interesting things in there, but it makes a lot more sense if you happen to have spent the past few months reading books about the history of medicine!

In the afternoon I made my way over to Kensington Gardens, where Alice and I enjoyed a very decadent afternoon tea in the Orangery, and then went on to be thoroughly Enchanted by Kensington Palace.

Most of it’s closed at the moment, because of ongoing work to make the palace more accessible. So they’ve put together the most amazing exhibition/installation in the State Apartments. You’re given a little map and a “dance card” as you go in, and you have to collect the names of seven hidden princesses as you go round. The princesses are all real, and all connected to the history of the Palace, and the regular guides are all still there, so if you have any actual historical questions they can answer you. There are also a bunch of vaguely steampunky people with drapey coats and head lamps (and in one case an accordion) wandering about the place, and if you ask them nicely they’ll let you play with the soldiers.

It costs £12.50 to get in, which seems like a lot, but it’s absolutely worth it. You can’t take photos inside the royal collections, so I can’t show you what it’s like, but enchanted really is the word for it. It’s on until February, and I heartily recommend it.

REVEAL: a showcase of quality hand-made craft

I mentioned this a little while ago, but some of my badges are going to be in an exhibition!

It’s called REVEAL – a showcase of quality hand-made craft.

It’s on from Sunday 6th to Saturday 12th July, 10am to 5pm every day, and entry is free.

It’s at the Henley Exhibition Centre.

The website has a gallery of work by all the exhibitors – I’m really looking forward to going along and seeing all the lovely things!

Lots and lots of badges.

Today I have been mostly making lots and lots of badges.

Badge mix-up

This probably wasn’t a very clever thing to do with a bad wrist, but I needed to get some photographs taken to send to Lauren Denney. She’s organising an exhibition of local artists, and she saw my badges on Etsy and invited me to take part!

Lauren is a ceramic artist, and the exhibition will take place in Henley, from the 6th to the 12th of June. Rest assured that I will be advertising this like mad as soon as I have more details!

I’m submitting three different types of badges to the exhibition, all made from recycled paper ephemera:

Map badges
Damaged Ordnance Survey maps (this one’s of Sheffield)

Textbook badges
Discarded Library textbooks

Pin-up badges
An out of date Gil Elvgren pin-up calendar

Some of the badges will be sold singly, simply pinned on to individual Moo cards. Others will be grouped into sets of four – I need to design the packaging for these, and work out how they’re going to be displayed.

I’m on the reserve list for the Rising Sun Art Market the day before the exhibition opens, so I’m planning to make even more badges over the next three weeks, so that I can also sell them at the Art Market if I’m lucky enough to get a place.

I need to make lots of pillowcase tote bags for the Art Market as well, not to mention having a jacket and dress fitting day in the meantime, so it looks as though I’ve got a busy time coming up!

More slippers, and an exhibition!

, your slippers are finished! I hope you like them. 🙂

This pair were made to fit a drawing of ‘s feet, which she sent to me using the Power of the Internet. I now need to post them across the Atlantic, and hope that they fit when they get there!

Tiger slippers!

These are made in the same way as the monkey slippers. The uppers are made from plush tiger fabric lined with gold satin, and interfaced with a layer of batting for extra softness. The inner soles are made from gold satin and white cotton, with a layer of 1″ foam and a piece of buckram sandwiched in between. The outer soles are felt, edged with blanket stitch in a strong buttonhole thread.

I learnt a few things while making this pair – namely when it’s better to use a curved upholstery needle, and when a straight one is more effective.

Next up will be two little pairs for Daniel and Edward, my colleague’s sons. They’ll both be made of polar fleece, so they should be really squashy and cute!

Oh yes, the art exhibition!

I’ve received an email via Etsy, from a local ceramic artist. She’s asked me whether I’d like to have some of my badges included in an exhibition that she’s putting on in Henley in July.

I’ve mailed back to ask for more information, but this is the first time I’ve been invited to take part in anything like this, so I’m very excited about it!