Walk in the woods

Walk in the woods

Yesterday evening I received a text from Sarah at Skycarrots, asking whether we’d like to go for a walk. Of course the answer was yes, so the three of us grabbed our cameras and wandered into the woods.

Walk in the woods

The light was absolutely beautiful (when the sun tentatively appeared), and I found lots of places that made me think of ideas for my doll-related project.

My little camera behaved remarkably well, considering how much it dislikes working in low light. The photo below hasn’t been edited at all, and I’m really pleased with it.

(The two above have been edited in Lightroom, to make the light in the pictures a little closer to what we could see in real life.)

Walk in the woods

We also walked along to where the blackthorn trees are, and spotted lots of other fruit along the way. Blackberries, plums, cherries and sumac (a new one to me) are going to be plentiful this year, by the looks of things.


I have so many books now about foraging for edible and medicinal plants. I must start to keep a notebook of where these things are in our local area, so I can recognise them when I don’t have Sarah around to identify everything for me!

Walk in the woods


I had to go out to the Post Office this morning, and it started off as a very misty day. I thought I might be able to take some photos of trees dramatically silhouetted against the sky, so I took the camera with me. As it turned out I’d brought along the macro lens, which isn’t so good for dramatic trees, so I took lots of photos of little details of things instead.

Oak leaves

This was supposed to be a picture of a beautiful green shoot springing forth vigorously from the ground… but the plant was out of focus, so I cropped it out. Can you tell I have a lot to learn about the macro lens? Look at the lovely texture of these leaves though!


Still very misty, and quite dark as I walked into the woods. If you look closely (or click the picture to see a larger version on Flickr), you can see tiny dewdrops all over the petals.


Buried treasure! This acorn had been recently unearthed, but apparently deemed not good enough for eating.


I do like a good hole to peep through. This one made me want to go back to the doll that I never finished making. In my imagination, she looks great perched in this tree.


Look! It’s spring! Finally.


I must admit, I had real trouble getting the macro lens to focus where I wanted it to. Left on automatic, it was zooming in and out all over the place. This one was done using manual focus, but I’m so used to using the big screen on the back of my point and shoot camera that I find the viewfinder too tiny to see through properly. (That’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it.)

Crocus with dewdrop

Sometimes things worked out pretty nicely though – I didn’t even see the tiny dewdrop on the end of the crocus leaf until I looked at this image on the computer.


By the time I was heading back home it was a beautifully sunny morning. I must get out with the camera more often. It was so satisfying to take a very slow walk and really look at everything around me.

Walk in the woods

Unfortunately I underestimated how much mud I might bring back with me, otherwise I’d have worn my walking boots!