Sewing Lessons

Drafting a pair of leggings

Given that my current job contract runs out at very soon, I’ve decided to offer sewing lessons.

They’re held in your own home, so that you can learn on your own equipment.
Unless you’re booking a hand-sewing session, you’ll need to have your own sewing machine.

I’m based in Reading, Berkshire, and prefer to teach anywhere that’s easily reachable by public transport. (I don’t drive.)

One-to-one sewing lessons

These sessions can be tailored (pardon the pun!) to your own requirements. You might want a hand with one of my tutorials, or some help with deciphering a commercial sewing pattern. Perhaps you need to make some repairs or alterations, or want to learn a specific technique such as inserting a zipper.

Simply let me know what you want to learn, and we can go from there!

Make Do and Mend

Don’t have a sewing machine? Not a problem! I can teach you some basic hand sewing techniques which will allow you to mend, alter and re-vamp your old clothes. From turning up a pair of trousers to restyling an old blouse or t-shirt, you don’t need to be an expert seamstress to give yourself a whole new wardrobe!

Corset drafting lessons

Make your own simple underbust corset, drafted to fit exactly to your own measurements. Each session requires a full day. Please note that we will be drafting a very simple corset which is tailored to the modern figure, and is not period-specific.

If you’re interested, there are more details over here.