This is a knitting pattern from 1977. My sister and I (and probably my Mum and Dad as well) wore many incarnations of this cardigan over the years, all knitted by my Mum.

Once you’ve stopped laughing at the extremely dated styling on the pattern cover, this is actually a really nice cardigan. It can be knitted either in chunky yarn, or with two strands of double knitting held together. You can choose between a collar or a hood. It doesn’t give instructions for pockets, but I think if I knitted this again, I’d add them.

1970s cardigan

I think the only thing I’d do differently is the buttonholes. The moss stitch border is five stitches wide, but you make the buttonholes only one stitch away from the edge. I think I’d move them over, just by one more stitch, to give the button band a bit more stability. Admittedly I have sewn on rather large and heavy buttons, so I might reinforce the bands on this one with a strip of fabric.

I did really want to knit the hood, but it turned out that twelve balls of Debbie Bliss Soho wasn’t quite enough. Just one more ball would have done the hood, and probably a pair of pockets as well. One of the problems with older patterns is that they don’t give the weight or yardage of the specified yarn, so you just have to try and make an educated guess.

Now I just need to decide which yarn I want to use for my next one…