
Alice's tunic top

I don’t usually take on alterations – one of the reasons I started offering sewing lessons was so that I could teach other people to make their own. But these small changes rescued two lovely garments from being abandoned, so I couldn’t resist helping out a friend.

The tunic above had a ridiculously wide neck that A. could actually have climbed out of, which wasn’t exactly ideal. We decided it would be better as an off-the-shoulder top with some nice wide straps, so all I had to do was make the straps and sew them on. 45 minutes later, a brand new summer top. Marvellous.

Anna Scholz silk robe

This is a gorgeous Anna Scholz silk robe. It fastened with two ties at the front edge, but that meant it didn’t cross over at all, making it more than a little revealing! I shortened the ties, unpicked the stitching and used the fabric to cover four buttons. (Two on the outside, two on the inside.) The remaining ends of the ties were turned into loops.

Ta-da! Two quick and easy alterations that have made two unwearable garments wearable again.

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