Busy as a bee…


I’m sorry I haven’t been posting about anything other than work lately, but that’s because I haven’t really been doing anything other than work!

I have finally managed to buy a new bike, so today Paul and I cycled all the way to (guess where…) work, so that I could time the journey. The theory is that I’ll cycle to the Museum and back starting from next week, but I’m not entirely certain that my knees will agree with that decision. I’ll have to see how it goes.

It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon, so we mooched about in the Museum garden with the cameras.

Paul took the macro lens (how does he always manage to hijack the lens that I want to use?!), so I took photos of things from a long way away with the 300mm. I have some lovely ones of the chimneys on the East Thorpe building, but seeing as I’m so short of things to blog about, I’ll save those for another time.

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