El Naturalista – Iggdrasil

I’ve just bought a lovely new pair of shoes.

Aren’t they nice?

The reason I thought they were worth mentioning is that El Naturalista go to great lengths to make their shoes as eco-friendly as possible. In their eco-policy they explain how they use recycled rubber for the soles; a product which would normally be classed as industrial waste. They also promise:

To promote natural materials and dyes
To avoid polluting substances
To protect and sustain the environment
To use biodegradable substances where possible
To recycle materials where possible
To pay producers fair prices
To promote traditional skills
To support appropriate technology
To operate with transparency

And they make gorgeous, comfortable shoes in lots of lovely colours!

You can buy them online from the El Naturalista website. In the UK, they’re also available in Jones the Bootmaker, Footprints, Shoon and Schuh.

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