Knitting Synchronicity

Every now and then I go through my giant stack of magazines, cut out the bits which interest me, and chuck the remains in the recycling.

Over the weekend, I found a picture of a jumper that I really liked, and idly wondered whether I could be bothered to work out a pattern to knit one for myself.

Today, I arrived home from work to find the Fall issue of Knit1 magazine sitting on my doorstep. (Thanks to Magazine Café, where you can subscribe to American magazines in the UK.) What should I see amongst the patterns? A jumper which looks remarkably similar to the one I’d snipped out of Elle!

Knitting Synchronicity

On the left: Elle UK, August 2007. Jumper by Louis Vuitton.
On the right: Knit1 Magazine, Fall 2007.


I’ll probably never get around to actually knitting this pattern. On the list of things I really want to knit for myself, this one’s pretty low. But just knowing that I can knit it, if I want to, is making me very happy this evening.

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