Now Panic and Freak Out.

Now Panic and Freak Out

My sister bought us a couple of mugs as a kitchen-warming present.

Paul’s said “Keep Calm and Carry On”, and the one above is mine.

She knows us well.

Playing House

Yesterday we went on a little shopping trip, and I bought these from John Lewis.

Measuring cups

Contrary to appearance, they’re not ceramic mixing bowls – they’re little measuring cups!

Several years ago I decided that I wanted my kitchen to look like this:

It’s the “Playing House” range by Rosanna, which is now sadly discontinued.

I do have one item from this range – and typically, it’s the one thing that isn’t in the picture.  I have a set of four ceramic tumblers, made to look like vending machine cups. (You can see a picture of them here, at Mighty Foods.)

As with the little measuring cups above, I liked them because they confront your expectations about what size an object should be, or what material it should be made from.

Also, they’re cute!

I have a long way to go before my kitchen looks like the one above, but I’m working on it slowly.