Small World.

This week I am in love with the seemingly random interconnectedness* of things.

The other day I joined Twitter.

Havi Brooks sent many people my way with her tweet (thank you!), one of whom was Randomling. She turned out to be the housemate of Miss Alice, who’d put me on to both Havi and Twitter in the first place!

This morning I came to update my Etsy shop with the brooches I’ve been making, and discovered that a few new people had chosen to “heart me” while I was away.

One of those people was Little Alouette. I didn’t recognise the name at first, but as soon as I clicked through to her shop I recognised the little fellow above. “Harper” is a wooden hippo teething ring, and I’d seen it featured by both Soule Mama and Dooce.

I may not have any particular use for a small wooden hippo, but several of my friends are having babies soon, and will be needing teething toys at some stage. So, I’m passing the link on to them… and the small world shrinks just that little bit smaller.



*It’s a word now.