Joana Vasconcelos

Joana Vasconcelos

While I was at the Haunch of Venison, I also saw an exhibition of work by Joana Vasconcelos.

I particularly liked the large ceramic pieces that had been covered with crochet. There was a lovely contrast of texture between the matt cotton thread and the shiny glazes underneath. The animal heads, mounted on the walls like hunting trophies, were particularly beautiful.

There was also a fabulously bonkers installation which consisted of a moving track with large ceramic dogs suspended from it. As the dogs swung around like a surreal canine carousel, they would bump together and occasionally smash into pieces. Weird, but mesmerising. I heartily recommend it.

Polly Morgan

Photo © Polly Morgan

The other day I went to see an exhibition of artwork by Polly Morgan at the Haunch of Venison. The exhibition is called “Psychopomps”, after the mythical creatures that conduct souls into the after-life.

This piece is “Atrial Flutter”, and it’s a human ribcage and spine, suspended from balloons.

Photo © Polly Morgan

Inside the ribcage is a beautiful taxidermied cardinal.

The pieces were displayed in a darkened space, accessed by a mezzanine walkway. You could also go into the room underneath, so you could see the sculptures from above and below and really get into the amazing detail and skill of the pieces.

Polly Morgan shadow

My favourite aspect was that the room had been lit so that each sculpture left a delicate shadow on the wall or the floor. In this one you can see the colour of the balloons, but this angle makes the little bird disappear.

Polly Morgan‘s work is a little bit heartbreaking, but absolutely beautiful.