Fanciest Pigeon


This glamorous fellow is a Nicobar Pigeon. We met him at Bristol Zoo, in the Bird Forest. It’s a little section that you can walk through with lots of birds flying (or in fact mostly walking) around freely.

We also met a Roul Roul Partridge, who has an excellent punk hairdo and does a funny little dance when he digs in the leaves on the ground. He was the perfect size to pop in my pocket and smuggle out of the zoo, but I think they might have noticed. Shame.

I tried really hard to take a photo of the Nicobar Pigeons bathing in a little waterfall, but sadly it was just too dark in that section of the forest. You’ll just have to imagine how pretty they looked with the light and water bouncing off their feathers.

Tuppence a Bag

Feeding the Lorikeets

Way back in February, on our way home from Devon, we stopped off at Bristol Zoo.

I took a few photos, as usual, but I wasn’t feeling very well that day so I wanted to try and concentrate on seeing as much as possible and having a good time. I love anywhere that you can actually walk in amongst the animals, so getting to feed the lorikeets was the highlight of my day. You pay £1 for a little cup of nectar, stand in the designated feeding area, and noisy little parrots come and land all over you. Brilliant!

There was also a lemur enclosure that you could walk through, where we met ringtailed and mongoose lemurs and a bird forest. (More about that later.) There were also the most adorable fruitbats, but being February they’d wisely decided to stay indoors!

I loved the Twighlight area, which featured several aye-ayes, a not-very-slow loris, and the tiniest deer I’d ever seen. So cute! I also spent a long time failing to get a decent photo of a hilariously grumpy-looking chameleon, and laughing at a tern with a very dignified moustache.

I wouldn’t normally recommend going to the zoo on a freezing cold day in February, much less the first weekend of half term, but we really enjoyed ourselves.