Facebook giveaway and temporary Etsy closure…

Raffle prize!

I’ve just realised that I completely forgot to mention my Facebook giveaway!

I’m hovering around the edges of 100 “Likes”, which is quite exciting, so I thought I’d do a giveaway when I reach that nice round number. All you have to do is share the giveaway photo from the Eternal Magpie Facebook page. It would be nice if you felt like “Liking” the page too, assuming you don’t already.

I’m hoping the details should be conveniently pinned to the top of the page when you get there – if not, you’re looking for a photo like the one above, but with the giveaway information listed next to it.

I don’t know how long it might take to reach the magic hundred. The numbers keep going up and down, and are currently on 93 – so close! But once we’re there, I’ll put all the people who shared the photo into a hat (not literally, I don’t have a really big hat), and draw out a winner at random. The prize is a set of tealights, and a voucher for one large candle in the fragrance of your choice – stock permitting.

Speaking of stock, I’ll be closing the Etsy shop tomorrow, just for the day, while I take my wares to a local Christmas fair. We’re rapidly nearing the deadlines for Christmas postage, so please feel free to snap things up sooner rather than later! The Etsy shop will go back online as soon as I’ve adjusted the stock to reflect anything I sell out of on Saturday. Hopefully it’ll be a good day!

For anybody local, it’s the Berkshire Autistic Society Christmas Fair. Hopefully I’ll see some of you there!