about eternal magpie



I’m Claire, and I make things. 

Lots of things.

I have a degree in Typography & Graphic Communication, which was part design and part historical research – two of my favourite things! I also have a professional qualification in Swedish Massage, a certificate in the conservation of fluid-preserved museum specimens (as you do…), and I’ve completed several short courses at the London College of Fashion, the University of Oxford Department of Continuing Education, and I’m always checking out interesting things on FutureLearn as well as at local arts venues and museums in my area.

I’ve been mending and altering and upcycling clothes since I was little, and making new ones for more than twenty-five years.

I’m in my forties now and I live with endometriosis and fibromyalgia, along with a very irritating host of related conditions. As a result I’ve been on a long search for clothes that are soft, comfortable, don’t have any scratchy labels or fiddly fasteners, are easy to get on and off, and don’t hurt to wear all day. Oh, and HAVE POCKETS. 

I set up eternal magpie so that you can have them too!

I’m no longer running this website as a little shop full of stock for you to choose from, but I am still making dresses to your custom order.

If you’d like a peep at what goes on behind the scenes (it’s just me and my sewing machine in my workshop at the bottom of the garden!) you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram.  If you’re interested in the things that inspire me, you can find me hanging out on Pinterest. This whole site is now a blog, of course, where you can read back through the archives, and you can keep up with all the latest happenings by joining the mailing list.

I’ll also be linking out to Miss Mouse & friends when they’ve been up to something exciting, and to my other Patreon project, Mrs Magpie Writes.

If you have questions about the dresses themselves, or about size and fit and delivery and all the technical stuff, please check out the Customer Services section. If there’s anything else you need to know, please feel free to send me an email

PS – this lovely portrait was taken by Rainbright Photography

0 thoughts on “about eternal magpie”

  1. Hi: Found your website while doing a search on scarves. I can’t say what I like more, your writing or the photographs. Both are a pleasure.

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