Five A Day

a list of fruit and vegetables, in colourful child's handwriting, with aborably creative spelling!

Isn’t this fantastic?

My friend Clare (who’s a photographer) posted it on Facebook the other day, saying that their little one had been really into getting ‘5 a day’ since being given a sticker with it written on a few weeks ago. I absolutely love the bright colours and the handwriting – and the fact that it’s been helping Mum & Dad to up their game as well!

eternal magpie five a day downloadable sheet, in colour
Five a day downloadable sheet, in colour

It was suggested in the comments that I could design one, so I’ve done just that!

It’s designed to match the My Busy Week planner (pre-orders close at the end of the month!), and it has options with two, three and four rows so that you can print out the pages that work best for your family. There’s also a black & white version for anyone (like me) who doesn’t have a colour printer.

eternal magpie five a day downloadable sheet, in black & white
Five a day downloadable sheet, in black & white

I’ve made it available as a download over on my payhip store, so if you’d like to give it a try, you can find it there.

I’m always thinking of different pages to add to my own diary. On the list so far are tracking how much water I drink (nowhere near enough!), and maybe some kind of chart to show all of my overlapping chronic illness symptoms. That’s definitely going to be a rather complicated one.

I will freely admit that I’ve printed out one of these five-a-day charts for myself, and stuck it to the fridge. Certainly when it comes to eating healthily, I need all the help I can get!

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