Planner pre-orders are now OPEN!

eternal magpie My Busy Week children's planner
eternal magpie My Busy Week children’s planner

Yes, it’s that time again – and pre-orders for the My Busy Week planner are now open!

I’ll place the order with the printers at the end of July, which means that the planners should be ready to send out to you by the beginning of August.

Ideally I need a minimum of ten orders to make the costs of the print run viable, so please feel free to share this post with anybody who you think might be interested.

    If you haven’t seen it before, the planner is designed for busy young children who like to know what’s happening when! 

    You could draw a shopping bag for supermarket day, pop in a sticker when it’s time for football or ballet class, or colour in the days when you go to Nursery. The planner is blank, and designed so that you can fill it in however you like!

    eternal magpie My Busy Week children's planner
    eternal magpie My Busy Week children’s planner

    The first page explains some basic ways to add information. Write in the month at the top, and number the days of the week so you can see what’s happening when. The daily columns are colour coded, so your little one might be able to understand which day is yellow before they can recognise a W for Wednesday.

    There are 53 pages, all the same, to help your little one to get used to your family routine. As it’s undated, it doesn’t matter if their enthusiasm wanes – simply put it away for a while, and you haven’t wasted any pages when you decide to give it another try!

    The book is spiral bound so that you can fold it over and lay it flat to look at one Busy Week at a time. The covers are sturdy gloss card, and the internal pages are made from good quality matt paper, FSC-certified, that’s nice to write on and strong enough to rub out any changes of plan.

    Oh, and by the way… if you’re already subscribed to the eternal magpie monthly newsletter, you’ll have a discount code for £5 off your planner pre-order, as a little thank you for helping me to get it to the printers. Thank you!

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