One planner left… shall I go digital?

eternal magpie My Busy Week children's planner
eternal magpie My Busy Week children’s planner

I was just going to post a little reminder about only having one planner left in the shop… only to read back through the blog and realise that apparently I hadn’t written about them in the first place! Oops…

So, this is “My Busy Week”, a planner designed for pre-school or just-starting-school children who like to understand the routine of their week. 

eternal magpie My Busy Week children's planner
eternal magpie My Busy Week children’s planner

The first page explains some basic ways to add information. Write in the month at the top, and number the days of the week so you can see what’s happening when. The daily columns are colour coded, so your little one might be able to understand which day is yellow before they can recognise a W for Wednesday. 

Draw a shopping bag for supermarket day, stick a sticker when it’s time for football or ballet class, or colour in the days when you go to Nursery. The planner is blank, and designed so that you can fill it in however you like! 

At the moment the planner is only available as an A4 spiral bound book. 

I take pre-orders for the books, to make sure that I can cover the printing costs, but this can mean that they’re not always available. Currently I have one last planner in the shop, and once that’s gone I’ll start a pre-order for a batch to be printed in plenty of time for Christmas. 

So, I was wondering… is this the sort of thing you’d like me to make available as a digital download? 

It would be a little bit cheaper than the printed book, and you could download it whenever you liked… but you would have to print it out yourself. 

What do you think? I know that digital downloads are a very popular thing when it comes to planner pages… so would you like to see this go digital too?

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