Should’ve worn wellies.

9/1/2014 - flood plain at Loddon Park

It turns out that when you go for a walk on a flood plain, it might be a good idea to wear wellies. Particularly if it’s been raining SINCE FOREVER.

9/1/2014 - flood plain at Loddon Park

I set out at about half past three in the afternoon, which looked to all intents and purposes like a beautiful autumn day. Blue skies, no wind or rain, beautiful golden leaves. Just gorgeous.

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You can see why photographers call the period just before sunset the “golden hour”.

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Walking around the trees, with the sun so low in the sky behind them, was almost magical.

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Even the pylons managed to look pretty. Although I did have to find a different way around… this was rather deep!

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See? Just gorgeous. One of these days I’m going to put on my most ethereal-looking outfit (or make one), and get Paul to take some silly photos of me hiding behind trees. Why not?

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This is usually a field. I’m fairly certain that fields don’t normally flow.

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I’m sure there used to be a footpath around here somewhere…

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This tree isn’t usually in the middle of the river. The river usually lives about twenty feet away. I’m very glad this beauty survived the storms though, many others weren’t so lucky.

9/1/2014 - flood plain at Loddon Park


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