World’s Smallest Carrot.

World's Smallest Carrot

I haven’t been enjoying a great deal of success with my vegetable growing lately. My peas were frazzled during the heatwave, slugs have reduced my beans to mere sticks, all my courgette flowers have died and my beetroot don’t look too healthy either.

I suddenly noticed that the carrots were all growing very close together, so I thought I’d better thin them out a bit. I could only bring myself to pull out one plant, but I was very excited to discover that there really was a tiny carrot growing at the other end of it!

It is supposed to that shape – I don’t know the exact variety (the seeds were a gift from skycarrots), but it’s a globe carrot, ideal for growing in pots. I’m looking forward to leaving the rest well alone, so they get nice and round.

I’m hoping that this is also going to be a good year for tomatoes. My plants (three different varieties) all have plenty flowers on them, lots of little green tomatoes, and there’s even a couple that are slowly turning red.

Next year I’d really like to get the garden sorted out, and put in some proper vegetable beds. I should probably also pay some attention to what I’m planting and how I’m looking after it – this year I just shoved all the seeds into pots and hoped for the best. Thankfully it seems to be turning out okay – for the tomatoes and carrots at least!

0 thoughts on “World’s Smallest Carrot.”

  1. I wish you lived close enough to have some of my courgettes (see my post today)! There are some varieties of carrot that are little round ones – they tend to be the best sort to grow in heavy soil. It looks quite tasty!

    Pomona x

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