Lollo Rosso.

Lollo Rosso

Home grown lettuce.

I cheated a little bit, and bought these from the garden centre as seedlings, rather than planting my own seeds. But they’ve grown like mad in the past few weeks, and I finally decided they were big enough to eat! I’ve chopped up one of my six little lettuces, and am in the process of scoffing it for my lunch. The great thing about this particular variety of lettuce is that it grows back after you cut it, so these six lettuces will actually feed me for ages.

This is the best part about growing food – eating it!

My peas and beans appear to be doing well, despite a slight run-in with some birds uprooting the seedlings. My courgettes have finally started to appear, and the potatoes are enormous and need burying before they get too big.

I’m definitely going to have some very tasty lunches a bit later on in the year – I only wish I’d remembered to plant tomatoes!

0 thoughts on “Lollo Rosso.”

  1. You’d have to be careful. For the past 3 yrs everybody I know who has planted tomatoes has had them suffer from a type of fungus that rots them whilst they’r still green so all you can do with them is chutney

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