Spot the pigeon…


Yesterday I had a sudden flurry of excitement when I realised that it was still light at 5:30, so I went for a wander around the lake with the camera. I took Paul’s new zoom lens (75-300mm), and had a play.

The photos are here.

Mostly the pictures are of Things Up Trees, including a tiny treehouse and two wood pigeons snogging.

Most of the pictures of pigeons were out of focus, although I’ve uploaded some of them anyway. After I’d taken them I worked out how to turn off the annoying autofocus on the lens, and later Paul showed me how to take multiple shots with one press of the button, so that should help when I try again.

What I’d really like though, is an even longer lens. Given that the cheapest one I’ve found so far is £500, I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon!

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