A little light reading…

I think it might be safe to say that my bedside reading mountain is getting a little out of control!

Bedside Reading...

As you can see from this picture, I don’t tend to read a lot of fiction these days. This makes the book on the very top of the pile a bit intimidating.

I signed up to Blog a Penguin Classic, and this is the one I was assigned – Hell’s Angels by Hunter S. Thompson.

Oddly enough I had rather been hoping for a “proper” classic, rather than a “modern” one. I feel as though I could have quite enjoyed a bit of Herman Melville or Alexandre Dumas. Now that I’ve looked at the website I see that I’ve read more of the Modern Classics than I’d thought – and I’m quite grateful that I didn’t end up with Jack Kerouac. I read On The Road because I thought I ought to, and found that I hated it.

I’m trying to stay open minded about Hell’s Angels but the subject matter of drinking, violence and motorbikes really doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest.

I need to start reading it soon though – I only have a couple of weeks left before it’s time to submit my review for Penguin!

0 thoughts on “A little light reading…”

  1. Camilla – I heartily recommend that book! I read it at least once a year, when I start to get myself into a headless chicken state, and there’s always something in there that I can try. 🙂

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