Spring Cleaning.

Haberdashery tidy-up

I started clearing out my sewing Shed this time last year, by organising all of my unruly haberdashery into these handy cardboard boxes. (I bought them from Muji, years ago.)

Then the roof blew off the garden shed, so a few things moved in to my Shed for safe keeping. And then we had the kitchen replaced, so lots more things moved in here while we didn’t have any cupboards. The end result is that not everything has been moved back out again, and my sewing space is not only full of my own stuff, but also with all these things that don’t belong here at all.

Once again it’s time to have a bit of a clear-out and try and get everything back to its rightful home. After that I can rearrange the furniture, and try to get a bit more organised.

The upshot of this is that I won’t be able to do any sewing for a little while. So I’m going to forward-date a bunch of posts, showing you all the things I’ve made over the past few months but haven’t had time to write about. Hopefully that’ll tide me over until I’ve got everything sorted and made something new!

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